Saturday, February 27, 2010

Worst Day Of My Life!!!!

Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

When I woke up at 9:00am I felt sick so I went to the bathroom and pucked in the sink.
I felt dizzy and I couldn't breath well so I fainted in the bathroom with the door locked.
My sister was in bed sleeping, My mother wasn't home, My other sister was with my mom so that being said, Nobody was there to do anything about me being fainted.
I finally had enough strength to get up off the floor and get out of the bathroom BUT that didn't go so well because in the hallway, I felt dizzy again and I didn't want to fall so I tried to get a good grip of the wall but somehow, I fell and hit my face off the corner of the wall in the hallway and just was laying there because I couldn't move and I kept trying to keep my breath going.
My sister Jodi kept calling, I couldn't answer it. My sister Ashley finally woke up and she saw me on the floor. She told Jodi "Nicole is on the floor, She fainted. COME HOME!" So luckily my mom and Jodi came home BUT it wasn't soon enough. My sister Ashley kept telling me to get changed because I was going to the hospital. I couldn't move so I already knew I couldn't get changed but Ashley doesn't really understand that. She didn't really care because she knew I was on the floor and she was trying to make me get changed (she wasn't even going to help me). The only good thing she did was tell my sister to come home.

The ambulance came, They took me to the hospital. Me and my mom waited there for about 5 hours just to see a doctor and waited 2 hours just to get things checked out. We were there all day. We finally came back home around 10:00pm. The doctor had to put an IV in my vains. It hurt so much, I still have a mark on my hand on where they put the IV in. The arm they put the IV in was so cold, It felt like ice. My mom had an IV in her before but her arm was never this cold so my mom complained and told the doctor but obviously, The doctor just said it was normal (yea right!). They had to do x-rays on me and give me needles. They checked everything to see if I was OK. Soon enough, The doctor said that I wasn't sick. It was just my throat and that It will get better in a few weeks. I asked him about my fainting and he just told me that its normal for someone to faint while feeling dizzy and stuff. I don't think that's normal but hey what do I know!

Me and my mom went home and we watched a movie and we had Chinese food. I couldn't eat that much so my mom gave me a little bit.

Yesterday was the worst day of my life.
I honestly thought I was going to die!!!


  1. Oh Nicole!

    I'm sorry that you had to go through that... but really glad that you came out ok.

    Ashley told me how you were when I phoned on Friday. It made me wonder if you had been eating properly. (Fainting can be quite normal if you aren't eating properly)

    Anyway, it seems like you are on the mend since you are back home. I'll call tomorrow to see whether you are up to a visit on Tuesday.

  2. Great picture of Justin, by the way...

    I haven't seen that one yet... how many more do you have?

  3. i have soo many pictures of justin bieber. i have over 400 pictures of him.

  4. See you tomorrow, as long as you are feeling better.
