Wednesday, May 26, 2010
New Obsession

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Is Jeydon Wale A Good Role Model For Teenagers?

Saturday, May 22, 2010
I've stopped being a fan of Justin Bieber. He is the rudest person on this planet. In every interview he dose he says "I use twitter to conect with fans and talk to them. I even follow them to make there dreams come true" well thats a load of shit. I asked him on twitter so many times to follow me, i've even spammed his twitter when he was online and still no follow by justin bieber. thats not the only reason why he is rude, theres 1 more thing. he was on a radio station and a fan called and he hung up on her and told her to shut up. im sorry but nobody should say that to a fan. justin should get manners and learn how to treat fans the right way! i took down all his posters and im selling them on ebay and im also selling his shirts i have. i cant stand justin now. he is an asshole!
thats mostly all i've done. i think my mom told you about me being sick so i dont really gotta say anything about that. but yeah, i stoped likeing justin bieber and i put away all my mj stuff. now my room dosent even look like a room anymore. it looks boring. at the end of the month, im buying ink for my printer and im going to print out alot of pictures of jeydon wale and posting them all over my walls <3
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Personal Essay
I'll look forward to our visit Thursday. I've even picked up a book that I think you will like better than anything else I've brought you so far. In the meantime, I'd like to get you to try writing a personal essay.
Here are some characteristics of personal essays:
-Written in paragraphs (4-5 sentences/paragraph, minimum)
-Written from a 1st person point of view
-Fairly relaxed in tone
-they persuade the reader to a specific point of view
-they use facts and experiences to be persuasive
-1st paragraph (the introduction) contains an opinion statement (your main idea about the topic) AND two or three sentences that support your opinion statment.
-the paragraphs that follow are body paragraphs
-each body paragraph should focus on one fact or experience that supports your opinion statement
-your final paragraph, the conclusion, should briefly restate your main ideas from the whole essay.
See this sample on Why Dogs Make Better Pets Than Cats
Now, I'd like you to try to write a personal essay on the topic: Should boys and girls go to separate high schools?
Good luck, post comments if you have any questions,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My Story
Chapter 1
"Now, for your entertainment gentlemen, here is Nicole!", Your name is called onto the stage as you walk onto it with terrified eyes, you absolutely hated this job, but it was the only thing that earned you enough money to fend for yourself. Strippers where such whores, and you promised yourself that you weren't gonna be like them, you would just work like them. You spot all the guys, watching and waiting for you to get on that pole. Your skimpy outfit is making all of them whoop and holler at you, which makes you want to cry. Showing off your body is not something your very fond of, but if you had to do it, then it had to be done. You walk up to that menacing pole, scared of what might happen if you don't give the men what the wanted. You give a big heavy sigh as you climb onto the pole, closing your eyes and holding back tears. You can hear everyone laugh and yell as you start the show. At first, your not that good. Everyone gets up to leave. Angry at every one's reaction, your determined to prove them wrong. You start working the pole as if you had done it a thousand times before. Everyone who turns to leave looks back at you, they stare at you in awe and sit right back down in there seats. You can hear them getting fired up, and you don't want to disappoint them. After a while of dancing and hearing men holler at you, you get off stage and watch the audience throw the money on stage. You smirk to yourself, satisfied at the way you showed them that your not just another newcomer. As you sit in your dressing room getting dressed into your regular clothes, the manager of the club comes up to you and smiles, "Hey Nicole, I have someone who wants to meet you.", Being only 16 years old, you wonder who would want to meet you. Just as your thoughts wonder, a teenage boy walks into the room. Your eyes widen as you examine the boy. You know his features all too well; His dark brown hair, his mesmerizing brown eyes and that adoring smile that all girls instantly fall for. His lips curve into a smile as he looks at you, "Hey, I'm Justin", You gasp as he says his name, not believing that your actually talking to THE Justin Bieber, "Yeah..I know who you are.", You manage to say through your teeth. What was a 16 year old boy doing in a strip club? The manager leaves you two to talk privately. You look over at Justin before you walk out the back door, "What are you doing here?", He looks at you with innocent eyes, which makes you stop from leaving, "What do you mean?", He says as kind as can be. You roll your eyes as you turn to look at him, "You know EXACTLY what I mean. What is a boy like you doing in a strip club?", His smile turns into a devilish grin in a second, which makes you nervous, "You didn't think I was all that innocent, did you?", He says with a wink. You feel your heart beat faster as he winks at you You shake your head as you out your hand on your hip, "So, why did you want to talk to me? You have a million girls who would kill to be in my place right now.", Although you were a HUGE fan of Justin's, you weren't gonna tell him that at a strip club. Suddenly, Justin starts moving closer to you, his eyes sincere and his smile fading, "I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.", You look at him with a questionable look, "What does that mean?", He smiles, "To make sure that you weren't a figment of my imagination. Your just so beautiful, I had to get a closer look.", You can feel your cheeks getting hotter by the second, you can't believe that he's actually flirting with you, a stripper. You can feel his arms go onto your waist and his lips are inching closer to yours, "What are you doing?", Justin doesn't answer, he's staring at you, admiring every inch of your face, "Justin..?", You say again, with more feeling in your voice. But Justin still doesn't answer, you start to shake, not knowing what Justin is going to do next. You can feel your knee's getting weak as he moves closer to your face. Finally he...
Chapter 2
Pulled me closer to him and he softly touched my lips and said "Your lips are so smooth, baby" with a smile that all the girls would meant just looking at. "Justin, What is it you want from me? You can get any girl in the world, Why would you want to do this with me?" I didn't know why he was all over me, I couldn't understand why he would pick me out of all the other girls who would die to be with him. "I pick you because your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Your perfection in my eyes. I can make you my One Less Lonely Girl" when he said that, He had a little smile but a smile when guys give girls when they are flirting. When I went to work today, I never would of expected to meet Justin Bieber in my dressing room at a strip club and I definitely wouldn't of expected Justin Bieber to even be talking to me like this or even touching me. "Aren't you dating a girl named Caitlin?" I heard rumors he was with a girl named Caitlin, So I had to ask him. "No, I'm not with her. I did date her when I was 13 but our relationship didn't work out. But me and her are still best friends." Justin was honest to me. I know he wasn't lieing because just the way he looked at me when he told me that was honesty. I trust him when he said that to me. I walked to the door because I was late for my show. "Wait Nicole, I have to talk to you." When Justin said that I was kind of nervous and didn't really know what to think at the time. "Hurry up Justin, I have to go out there. I'm late already" I was so late for my show, If I don't go out there soon, I wont get paid. "I'm here to ask you to come on the road with me and we can be in a relationship. I don't like being single and I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. If you were my girl, I'd bring you in a magical dream world all the time and you will always be my princess." When Justin said that to me, My heart melted and I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. My face was blushing, I had a BIG smile on my face, My mind was all over the place. "Are you sure you want this, Justin?" I had to ask him for sure if he really wanted this. "Yes, I'm positive Nicole. I want you, Forever and always.".
Chapter 3
I'm on tour with Justin Bieber, Not many girls can say that. I sometimes think this is all a dream and that this really isn't happening. My life was always hard and I wasn't very popular in school, I had no friends and nobody to sit with at lunch. I was a loner in school. My family wasn't around most of the time when I was growing up. I only had myself. Now that I met Justin Bieber, My life has turned completely around to the better and nothing can take this away and ruin it all. -Justin walks in the door and gives me a hug- "Hey baby girl. I've missed you today." When he is around me, I always feel so warm inside and I feel loved for once in my life. "I've missed you too, Justin." Doesn't you all wish Justin was dating you and wish that Justin would just talk to you like he dose to me? I'm still amazed that Justin picked me, PICKED ME OUT OF 100000 GIRLS IN THE WORLD!. Justin bites his lip and walks slowly up to me, pulls me closer to him and puts his arms around me. Justin looks me in the eyes and smiles than gives me a soft, gentle kiss. He takes me to the master bedroom and lays me on the bed slowly and starts to kiss my neck all the way down to my stomach. OK, In my mind I was thinking, OK this really isn't happening, This is all a dream, PLEASE, NOBODY WAKE ME! But I realized that it wasn't a dream and this all was actually happening to me. Justin is a very gentle, loving, caring man. He is more mature than other 16 year old boys. Justin knows what he's doing and what he wants to accomplish in life. Other 16 year old are still in school, with no jobs. Justin is very mature for his age.
Chapter 4
Justin's Tour is almost finished. Its been a year with Justin on the road. This has been an experience that only happens once in a life time. I'm glad I was the one he picked to go on the road with him. Justin walked in the door "Baby, How would you feel if I bought us a house?" when Justin asked me that, I didn't know how to answer him without sounding like a complete idiot. I looked Justin in the eyes and started smiling and blushing. "Aw baby girl, you look so cute when you blush.". Justin walks up to me and holds me "Nicole, you are my one love, My one heart, My one life. I wont ever let you go.". I know he is only 17 and I'm 19 but WOW he is so romantic for a 16 year old and he knows how to make a girl feel loved and wanted. Not many guys knows how to do that for a girl they love or cared about. Justin is the most amazing boy I have ever met. My advice for you girls is don't ever give up on who you love and who you want to be with. Try and try to get your crush to notice you and they will, It might take time but trust me, It will happen. I was a Justin fan way before me and him started being together. I never thought that me and him would be a couple. I dreamt about it but I knew it wouldn't happen but just when I thought I gave up, What happens, JUSTIN SHOWED UP AT WHERE I WORKED AND ASKED FOR ME! I wont ever forget that day. That was the best day of my life. Now everyday is the best day of my life because I have Justin all the time.
Chapter 5
3 years went by so quickly. Justin is 20 now and I'm 21. We grew up fast. It feels like just yesterday we started dating and going on the road together. It doesn't even feel like its been 3 years. "Nicole, I have to ask you a question but please, Don't laugh" When Justin said that, I didn't know what to think. "OK, What is your question?" I wanted to know what he wanted to ask me. Justin pulls out an engagement ring, He goes down on 1 knee and looks up to me "Will you Marry me, Nicole Frances Gaudaur?". My jaw just fell, I couldn't breath, I couldn't stop blushing, I couldn't stop smiling. This was for sure the best day of my life. This stuff just doesn't happen to regular people like me. I grew up in a broken home with no friends, Justin Bieber is asking me, Out of all the girls, ME to marry him. This feels so unreal. I had to answer him fast before he changes his mind. "OH MY GOD! YES JUSTIN, I WILL MARRY YOU!" I pull him up and hug him and kiss him. I called up Justin's parents and my parents even though I don't talk to mine, I told them all that me and him are getting married. His parents was excited and happy for me and him. My parents are a different story, My parents doesn't care, They probably wont even show up at the wedding. It doesn't matter if they do or don't because Justin's family is my family now and they have always been there for me and Justin. Mine and Justin's wedding is going to be a small but cute wedding. We are just inviting his family and his friends. Justin's mother took me shopping for the perfect wedding dress and I just died, The dresses I've seen was so beautiful. I could never afford any of them though. Justin's mom picked out the most beautiful wedding dress, It was snow white with little diamonds, It was a no sleeve dress it comes up to my chest and down. This dress was so beautiful. It also had a vial, But I probably wont be wearing the vial because it was way to long. Justin called, "Nicole, Are you almost done? I want to see you before I have to go and record a new song" he said. "Yes, I'm almost done. I will be home in about a few minutes." I replied to him. Justin wants to see me 24/7. He is very protected of me, He worries about me allot of the time because he knows my past and he knows what I've been through. He is my best friend, lover, boyfriend, fiance, he is my everything. The big day is coming soon...
Chapter 6
Wedding Day, Justin is getting cold feet and so am I. We are both scared about whats going to happen and whats in life for me and him. We want to stay with each other for ever. Everybody that is getting married or did get married, You all know that its normal for you to get cold feet on the day of your wedding day. Usher was there at the wedding and so was Diddy, Everybody was there to support me and Justin. "Justin Bieber, You may speak now" the father of the church said. "Nicole, When I first met you when I was 16 in a strip club I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into. When I walked in your dressing room and looked you in the eyes, I knew that you would be my wife someday and I knew in my heart that you were the girl for me. When you said yes when I asked you to marry me, I was so happy. Your the most perfect girl and the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You make me the luckiest man in the world. Without you, I don't know where I'd be right now. I wont ever let you go baby girl. Your my life.". I started to cry when he said that to me. What he said really touched my heart. I am so deeply in love with Justin Drew Bieber. When he said his speech, I honestly relized that this whole thing wasn't a dream and that he dose actually love me. Just knowing that makes me so happy and warm inside. At the dance we had at our wedding, Justin went on the stage and sang my favourite song "Stuck In The Moment" from his album "My World 2.0". He came off the stage and twirled me around like a prince would do to a princess in a fairy tale. When the song was over, He put the microphone down and looked me in the eyes and kissed me. Being with him makes me the happiest girl in the world. In the future me and him will make more memories and more happy times together.